WilliamTheOutlaw Senior Member
Joined: 20 Jan 2007
Last Visit: 19 Sep 2010 Posts: 675 Location: South London, England
Posted: March 10 2007, 6:18 AM Post subject: NutriVene-D Question for UK People
We have purchased this for Eden, who just turned one the end of February, and we had some concerns. We wanted to know if anyone here used it and if they knew if the very high amounts of some of the vitamins, minerals and other things were safe.
Do you know the reason for such elevated amounts?
Do you have monitoring of some kind done on your child?
I've noticed the kids in the US seem to have so many tests and were wondering if this is just because they pay for their doctor visits so it benefits the doctors to run them, whereas the NHS being free would only test what is necessary or is the NHS not doing enough?
We would really appreciate any information you could offer.
Thank you,
NB I'm posting this is the Questions forum as well.
Carson's Mom Super Member
Joined: 16 Dec 2005
Last Visit: 24 Sep 2008 Posts: 4978 Location: Louisiana
Posted: March 10 2007, 11:27 PM Post subject:
I am not in the UK, but the only testing that Carson has related to that is a blood test once a year. I talked to the geneticist about that issue last year and again today. He sees kids with DS all over the US. He told me that in all of his years he has seen 2 kids that had a toxic level of the vitamins in their system and both of them had a health issue where their body did not respond to the vitamins normally. What they do here with the blood test is adjust the formulation if needed. Good luck with your decision. We use NVD and for us it was the right decision. You should not let anyone pressure you one way or another - this is your child to raise.