apensity Senior Member
Joined: 02 Oct 2004
Last Visit: 04 Oct 2009 Posts: 135 Location: Chico, CA
Posted: May 29 2007, 6:57 PM Post subject: Selegiline (Deprenyl)
Anybody ever used this: Selegiline (Deprenyl)?
I ordered it from England for personal use, but I have read a few discussions about it's use in inhibiting cell death and wondered why it hasn't been used in Ds. Of course I'll have to research the heck out of it now to make me happy, but I just wondered if any of you have had experiences with it?
_________________ Brian - Avery's Daddy!
Chico, CA
mts198 New Member
Joined: 18 Jan 2009
Last Visit: 29 Mar 2009 Posts: 3
Posted: January 18 2009, 11:51 AM Post subject:
Hi i'm new to this board but I know a good bit about selegiline. I have been using selegiline over a year now for a high prolactin levels and for other health benefits. It is a very diverse drug and it is very safe. It is effective at 2.5mg and commonly used at 5mg with a large increase in dopamine in the brain. Inhibiting cell death is one of its properties among many. With dopamine increase and consequently the prolactin decrease. It is also a mild MAOI but a MAOI diet doesn't need to be used with anything less then 9-10mg. Most side effects don't occur until dosages of 20mg and 60mg being high dosages. So you can see that 5mg really won't have much in the case of side effects but will and should be effective, if it helps downs that is another question. Selegiline also metabolizes to low dosages of amphetamine but at 5mg this should be no concern. The only negative side effect I have ever noticed on myself was a slight increase in anxiety on my first dosage, I have to mention I have an anxiety disorder and this was expected. My sister having downs and autism might benefit from this drug and i have always wonder if it will. I hope that helped if you have any questions please feel free to ask.